Where Do We come From?
Why Are We Here?
What Is Our Destiny?
Spiritism is, at once, a science, a philosophy, and a religion.
The science of Spiritism studies the existence and nature of spirits, which are nothing more than the immortal souls of men, created by God.
The philosophy, which was derived from a serious study of information received in communications with discarnate spirits, deals with the details of spirit life and the journey of evolution through the process reincarnation. A natural consequence of that that philosophy is the understanding of the role we play in our own spiritual evolution, which is ultimately achieved through the efforts we make to grow, both morally and intellectually.
Spiritism helps us to understand the natural laws that govern that process of evolution. From a moral perspective, we follow the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ, as our model and guide.
The religious aspect stems from the moral ties between ourselves, and others, and the direction that Spiritism leads us, toward God, our creator, by helping us to understand life and by teaching us, ultimately, how to develop the ability to love, in the greatest sense of the word.
The 5 Basic Principles of Spiritism
The Existence of God
Immortality of the Soul
Plurality of the Existences (Reincarnation)
Plurality of the Inhabited Planets
Communicability with the Spiritual Realm

Allan Kardec
The French educator, translator and writer Allan Kardec (whose real name is Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rival) is the author of the five books known as the Spiritist Codification.
Kardec was born in Lyon in 1804, and raised as a Catholic. In his early 50’s, he started to focus his attention on the séances and spirit phenomena that were overtaking the salons of Paris, with objects that moved and sounds that were produced. By observing several such manifestations, Kardec began to discover the intelligent causes behind them. He started compiling thousands of questions about the nature and mechanisms of spirit communications, the reasons for human life on earth, life in the spirit realm, reincarnation, among other philosophical and scientific inquiries.
By asking these questions through several mediums in Europe and North America, Kardec received and documented their answers — which became the the basis for the Spiritist Codification. Kardec defined Spiritism as “a science that deals with the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits, and their relation with the corporeal world.”
The first book, "The Spirits’ Book", was published in April 1857. It was followed by "The Medium’s Book" (1861), "The Gospel According to Spiritism" (1864), "Heaven and Hell" (1865), and "The Genesis" (1868). Until his death in 1869, Kardec also published the periodical "The Spiritist Review."

Leon Denis
The philosopher Léon Denis is known as the apostle of French Spiritism, as he was one of the main exponents of the doctrine after the death of Allan Kardec. He lectured throughout Europe at international conferences of Spiritism and Spiritualism, promoting the idea of the survival of the soul after death and its implications for human relations.
Andrew Jackson Davis
Also known as John the Baptist of Spiritualism, Andrew Jackson Davis was born on August 11, 1826, in Blooming Grove, upstate New York. He had his first mediumistic experience in 1843. But it was one year thereafter that Davis had what he called “a great mental illumination.” He was transported in a semi-trance state to the Catskills Mountains, and met the philosopher and Greek physician Galen and the Swedish Seer Emanuel Swedenborg.
He is the author of over 30 books based on revelations given by spirits. The first one, Principles of Nature, was published in 1847, in which he states "It is a truth that spirits commune with one another while one is in the body and the other in the higher spheres.” And in the book The Great Harmonia (1850) Davis described how man evolved from animals and that evolution took place in plants and all life — nine years before Charles Darwin published his On The Origin of The Species.
His spiritual writings also included topics such as mental and physical health, astronomy, physics, chemistry, philosophy, education, government, and many others. Davis also used to diagnose illnesses and prescribe treatments as an intuitive — and he never charged for the consultations.
In his late years, Davis acquired a Medical degree and moved to Boston, where he opened a small bookshop. He died in 1910.

Francisco Cândido Xavier (Chico Xavier)
Considered one of the most prolific mediums and humanitarians of the 20th Century, Chico Xavier channeled over 450 books and thousands of letters from deceased individuals to grieving family members through automatic writing (also known as psychography). Chico Xavier was born in Pedro Leopoldo (Brazil), on April 2, 1910. From a Catholic family, his mediumship first appeared when he was 4 years old. During his childhood he used to talk to spirits, especially his mother, who passed away when he was 5. But his first contact with Spiritism was at the age of 17, when he read the books The Gospel According to Spiritism and The Spirits’ Book, compiled by Allan Kardec.
One month after Chico began studying Kardec’s books, he helped establish the Centro Espírita Luiz Gonzaga (Luiz Gonzaga Spiritist Center), and soon began to psychograph messages and books, many of them which were written by his spirit guide, Emmanuel.
Even though Chico wrote over 450 books, he never admitted to be the author of them. He used to say he only reproduced whatever was dictated to him. More than 50 million copies have been sold to date in Portuguese, as well as translations to English, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Mandarin, and other languages. Chico donated all the proceeds from the book sales to charitable institutions since writing the very first book.
Despite health problems, Chico kept working up to his death, using his mediumship in the ministry of charity and goodwill, until June 30, 2002.

Divaldo Pereira Franco
The medium Divaldo Pereira Franco is a remarkable disseminator of Spiritism in Brazil and all over the world. As a medium, he has psychographed almost 200 books with the help of his spirit friends— including his spirit guide Joanna de Angelis and Manoel Philomeno de Miranda. Many of those works have already been translated to other languages, bringing the light of the Gospel to all five continents.
Born in Feira de Santana (Brazil), on May 5, 1927, Franco founded the institution Mansão do Caminho, with his friend Nilson de Souza Pereira. Located in a poor neighborhood in Salvador, Brazil, the house offers social assistance to thousands of needy individuals.

Gabriel Delanne
François Marie Gabriel Dellane was a French psychical researcher, writer, and electrical engineer, who helped to promote Spiritism after the death of Allan Kardec. His writings were mainly concerned about the immortality of the soul and reincarnation, as well as a scientific approach to psychic phenomena.

Camille Flammarion
The French astronomer Nicolas Camille Flammarion wrote more than fifty titles, including works on psychical research and related topics. He approached Spiritism, mediumship, and reincarnation from the viewpoint of the scientific method.

Abraham Lincoln
By several mediums’ accounts, he’s actively involved in the spiritualization efforts of North America, from the spirit realm. The 16th President of the United States lead the country through its Civil War, and preserved the union, abolished slavery strengthened the federal government, and modernized the economy. Lincoln used to have prophetic dreams, and believed in the spirit world. There are also reports that séances took place in the White House. Nowadays, Lincoln is one of the Spiritual Guides of the U.S.

Benjamin Franklin
By several mediums’ accounts, he’s actively involved in the spiritualization efforts of North America, from the spirit realm. Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, and earned the title of The First American for his early campaigning for colony unity. He was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. Nowadays, Franklin is one of the spiritual guides of the U.S.

Fox Sisters
Leah, Margaret, and Kate Fox were three sisters from Hydesville, New York, considered the founders of the Modern Spiritualist movement, in the 19th century. They could communicate with spirits by rapping on the wall of their house.