Meeting for Coordinators, Practitioners & Volunteers
Sunday, July 16, 3 p.m. at IESS Meeting for coordinators, practitioners, & volunteers for our 10th Anniversary Party This meeting is open...

Caravan of Love Rehearsal
Sunday, July 2, from 1-3 p.m. Location: 301 West 57th St. New York, NY 10019 Do you play an instrument or sing? Do you wish to rehearse...

Gospel and Picnic at Central Park
Sunday, July 16 at 5 p.m. Friends, let's take advantage of the summer months and spend a few pleasant hours together to study the...

Andrew Jackson Davis Weekend Retreat in Lily Dale
July 28 - 30 IESS is pleased to invite you to an Andrew Jackson Davis-themed weekend retreat in Lily Dale, NY filled with activities for...

Reflections on the Sermon of the Mountain
Tuesday 13, at 7pm Fred Gouveia is a violinist and conductor. He has been involved in Portuguese-to-English translations of Spiritist...

Allan Kardec - 160 Years of Spiritism
Tuesday 6, at 7pm Allan Kardec - 160 Years of Spiritism - The lecture will bring great adventures of Allan Kardec in four animated...

Spiritist Week of the TriState
The TriState Spiritist Federation will host the seminar "Be Happy Today" presented by Brazilian famous medium Divaldo Franco in New York...

Family Spiritist Retreat
Join us for a full day of activities, fraternity and friendship on Sunday June 25 at the beautiful Boothe Park in Stratford, Connecticut. ...