Peter Hays - Publishing The Word of The Spirits
Peter Hays is an active member of Spiritist Group Love and Light in Newark, New Jerseywhere he is one of the educators. He has done lectures on the Doctrine in Miami, Atlanta,the tri-state area, and through the U.S. Spiritist council via the 9th Spiritist Symposium in Stamford, CT, plus the organization’s weekly Live Web Study Meetings. Peter was on the editing staff for the brand new version of The Spirits’ Book. In addition, he helped toedit the first two publications by the Spiritist Group Love and Light: the English edition of Diary of a Counselor by Luiz Gonzaga Pinheiro, and A Shipwrecked Life, by the American spirit, Hercules, and channeled by the American medium, Jennifer Arlotta. Peter has just started a weekly radio episode called Random Selections from Living Spring, which is part of Kardec Radio’s Sunday night program, Spiritist Awareness.
Should we published everything that the spirits say? Based on two articles from Spiritist Review, this lecture takes a look at spirit communications and how to handle them. From there, it goes on to explore different types of spirits and the kinds of communications that a mediumistic group may receive. Publishing the Word of the Spirits was among the lectures just given at the very recent 9th Spiritist Symposium in Stamford, CT. It was inspired by the 2015 release of the book Spiritist Review, which features the first year of monthly issues from the journal’s existence (1858-1869), now in English for the first time; other volumes will be forthcoming.