Late Lunch followed by a Short Movie and a Workshop

Topic: Forgiveness - Opening the Doorway to Peace
Speaker: TJ Jackson
Every third Sunday of the month, at 4:30pm, we will have this special gathering to get to know each other better, raise funds, break bread, and learn Spiritism all in one evening! IESS will host a delicious Late Lunch / Early Dinner (Food donations are welcome!). Arriving earlier, we will chat, eat and interact, then at 6pm, break for a workshop, spiritually-themed movie or our regular studies (Gospel & Spirits' Book), followed by collective passes. And we can continue to hang out afterwards, while we eat some more and help to clean up for the start of a spiritually and physically nourishing week! Come and join us at this loving event and help us spread the word!
Sunday - November 20th, at 4:30pm Suggested Donation: $10 per person Please note: the financial donation applies to the food and refreshments only. If you wish to attend the workshop only, that is FREE of charge. "As we continue to move to the new millennium and prepare for the imminent next great leap in our spiritual evolution, it is essencial that we adopt a way of living based not on fear, control, and abuse of power but on true forgiveness, unconditional love, and peace." TJ Jackson has been a practitioner at IESS since 2009, dedicates himself to the spiritual healing, lectures and assists on Sunday and Tuesday meeting study group.