
Sunday, February 19th at 4:30pm (Late Lunch) and 6pm (Lecture) Suggested Donation: $10 per person Please note: the financial donation applies to the food and refreshments only. If you wish to attend the lecture only, that is FREE of charge.
Lecture - Reincarnation - This lecture is about Matthew 11:14, when Jesus confirms John the Baptist was actually Elijah who was suppose to come back. We brush over the 5 pillars of Spiritism, but the main focus is Reincarnation. There we touch the mains purpose, the importance of family, the Law of Cause and Effect, the challenges we face, how the Divine Justice is applied, and how we as an individual have a major role in the outcome of transforming this planet by our own transformation.
Rodrigo Amaral became familiar with Spiritism in 2011, unsure if introduced to the doctrine by Pain or Love, maybe a lot of both. Raised in a liberal environment, however, his calling was too strong, capable of changing him from skepticism to a believer. He works as a Senior Systems Engineer for a large public hospital network in NYC, and is one of the members of the MVSC - Mount Vernon Spiritist Center.