Hercules Fernandes - Jesus Parables on the Light of the Spiritist Doctrine
Hercules has discovered Spiritism when he was 22 years old, after getting married. He became an active member of studies and mediumistic...

Angela Stewart - Laying of Hands: What? Why? How?
From a Catholic family, Angela discovered Spiritism in 2000, due to the blossoming of her mediumship. Since then, she has dedicated...

Fred Gouveia- The Science of Meditation
Fred Gouveia is a violinist and conductor. He has been involved in Portuguese-to-English translations of Spiritist works and also in...

Divaldo Franco - The Psychology of Forgiveness - ****SOLD OUT****
The medium Divaldo Pereira Franco is a remarkable disseminator of Spiritism in Brazil and all over the world. As a medium, he has...

TJ Jackson - "The Messengers!"
TJ Jackson - Has worked for 16 years in the publishing industry and 10 years as Director of Advertising and Marketing at Men's & Women's...

Saulo Gouveia - Sexuality and Spiritual Health
Born in May 1960, and Spiritist since then, Saulo Gouveia has been an active member of the Spiritist Movement in Goias and Mato Grosso,...

Marcelo Medeiros - "The Power of the Word!"
February 8th, 2015 at 6PM @IESS Marcelo Medeiros is a journalist and works as an International Correspondent for a Brazilian TV Network,...